Ricky's Elementcyclopedia

Gra Ricky's Elementcyclopedia wymaga pluginu Adobe Flash

Twoja przeglądarka od stycznia 2021 roku nie obsługuje pluginu Adobe Flash. Trwają intensywne prace nad emulatorem gier flash bezpośrednio w przeglądarce. Część gier juz działa w ten sposób, ale jeszcze nie wszystkie. Dlatego możesz zaglądać tu od czasu do czasu, bo ta gra też będzie w przyszłości działać w emulatorze.

Poniżej znajdziesz inne hitowe gry, które uruchomisz bez problemu nawet na telefonie! Właściwa gra znajduje się pod tymi polecanymi grami.

Jeśli jednak chcesz już teraz uruchomić gry oparte o plugin Adobe Flash możesz to zrobić w następujący sposób:

Sposób nr 1:

Sposób nr 2:

  • pobierz i rozpakuj wersję Google Chrome 85 z Internet Archive:
    Google Chrome Portable
  • Zezwól na wtyczkę Adobe Flash
  • Kliknij prawą myszą na grze i wybierze Uruchom wtyczkę

Wersja wtyczki Flash 31 może zawierać niezałatane luki, więc zalecamy korzystanie z niej wyłącznie w celu zagrania w gry, na osobnym komputerze, a nie do surfowania po całym internecie. Docelowo ta gra będzie uruchamiana w emulatorze, w każdej przeglądarce. W między czasie trzeba trochę pokombinować albo zagrać w inne polecane gry.

Wybierz inną grę z polecanych:

Gra Ricky's Elementcyclopedia wymaga pluginu Adobe Flash

Twoja przeglądarka od stycznia 2021 roku nie obsługuje pluginu Adobe Flash. Trwają intensywne prace nad emulatorem gier flash bezpośrednio w przeglądarce. Część gier juz działa w ten sposób, ale jeszcze nie wszystkie. Dlatego możesz zaglądać tu od czasu do czasu, bo ta gra też będzie w przyszłości działać w emulatorze.

Powyżej znajdziesz inne hitowe gry, które uruchomisz bez problemu nawet na telefonie! Właściwa gra znajduje się pod tymi polecanymi grami.

Jeśli jednak chcesz już teraz uruchomić gry oparte o plugin Adobe Flash możesz to zrobić w następujący sposób:

Sposób nr 1:

Sposób nr 2:

  • pobierz i rozpakuj wersję Google Chrome 85 z Internet Archive:
    Google Chrome Portable
  • Zezwól na wtyczkę Adobe Flash
  • Kliknij prawą myszą na grze i wybierze Uruchom wtyczkę

Wersja wtyczki Flash 31 może zawierać niezałatane luki, więc zalecamy korzystanie z niej wyłącznie w celu zagrania w gry, na osobnym komputerze, a nie do surfowania po całym internecie. Docelowo ta gra będzie uruchamiana w emulatorze, w każdej przeglądarce. W między czasie trzeba trochę pokombinować albo zagrać w inne polecane gry.

Zagrań: 77817


Avatar wanna_XD_3457

5 lutego 2018, 19:39

dla tych co nie ogarniają o co common z illuminati już tłumacze- illuminati to symbol boga, który stworzył świat, a tu jakby możemy pobawić się w tworzenie świata więc... sami widzicie, illuminati bardzo tu pasuje

Avatar szympans52

24 kwietnia 2019, 16:38

@wanna_XD_3457: Illuminati propagują diabła i właśnie nie wiadomo dlaczego skoro to robią wykorzystali jako swój symbol symbol Boga, czyli tzw. Oko Opatrzności.

Avatar wanna_XD_3457

26 kwietnia 2019, 19:11

@szympans52: No fakt (o to mi chodziło z resztą oprócz propagowania diabła) choć z tym diabłem to nie wiedziałem ale fajnie wiedzieć, szczerze w 2019 tak niezręcznie trochę gadać o illuminati... bo... ten mem już DAAAWNO zdechł

Avatar szympans52

10 lutego 2022, 16:28

@wanna_XD_3457: Myliłem się. Illuminati to chyba po prostu masoni. Oni nie propagują diabła.

Avatar omnibusek

13 stycznia 2018, 12:21

70. Forest + Desert = Bushland
71. Tree + Flower = Fruit
72. Lizard + Earth = Beast
73. Beast + Tree = Monkey
74. Monkey + Energy = Knowledge
75. Knowledge + Sky = Void
76. Monkey + Knowledge =

77. Human + Beast = Anthoro
78. Human + Metal = Tools
79. Tools + Metal = Weapons
80. Suflur + Weapons = Gun
Skopiowane żeby było wyżej :P

Avatar vertex1332

23 kwietnia 2017, 12:51

poco to iluminati??

Avatar Crinzey

5 lipca 2017, 21:15

@vertex1332: To nie Illuminati tylko trójca Święta z okiem Boga. Jeśli dobrze to rozumiem... Proszę mnie poprawić,jeśli mówię źle.

Avatar MajaNocnaFuria

25 czerwca 2016, 22:15

Human+ human= XD

Avatar sebastian07

1 lipca 2015, 12:48

illuminati!! jak się załaduje!

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Avatar sebastian07

15 stycznia 2016, 22:02

@xtw43g: Taki piseł który się najadł parówkami

Avatar xtw43g

16 stycznia 2016, 09:08

@sebastian07: Widziałeś kiedyś pieseło chrupki?

Avatar kuba1515

21 grudnia 2015, 20:49

Dla mnie ta gra jest nie ciekawa 1/10

Avatar MlekoXXD

Edytowano - 5 grudnia 2015, 08:28

Gra o illuminati?

Avatar MlekoXXD

Edytowano - 5 grudnia 2015, 08:29

@MlekoXXD: nie illuminati

Avatar superman2

20 sierpnia 2015, 10:36

jak stworzyć człowieka

Avatar superman2

20 sierpnia 2015, 10:16

jak zrobić fps pomocy

Konto usunięte

8 lipca 2015, 20:44

81. Tree + Tools = Wood
82. Wood + Tools = Paper
83. Beast + Tools = Wool
84. Beast + Weapons = Food
85. Wool + Tools = Fabric
86. Glass + Lava = Obsydian
87. Fish + Weapons = Piranha
88. Piranha + Weapons = Shark
89. Fish + Lizard = Amphiblan
90. Amphiblan + Stone = Turtle
91. Knowledge + Human = Sin
92. Knowledge + Sin = Law
93. Human + Food = Faeces
94. Paper + Smoke = Cigarette
95. Cigarette + Cigarette = Cigar
96. Weapons + Snake = Poison

97. Earth + Tools = Coal
98. Coal + Water = Oil
99. Oil + Water = Ink
100. Human + Wood = Hut
101. Human + Clay = Bricks
102. Bricks + Hut = House
103. House + Glass = Skyscraper
104.Paper + ink = art
105.Paper + Gold = Money
106.Money + Human = Work
107.House + Money = Bank
108.Fire + Oil = Bomb
109 .Metal + Work = Mechanism
110.Human + Law = Lawyer
111.Art + Lawyer = Copyright
112.Art + Mechanism = TV

113.Plasma + Void = Sun
114.Earth + Void = Planet
115.Sun + Planet = Light
116.Rain + Light = Rainbow
117.Fire + Bushlands = Bushfire
118.Void + Void = Darkness
119.Human + Cigarette = Diseases
120.Human + Human = Sex
121.Human + Weapon = Corpse
122.Life + Corpse = Zombie
123.Life + Clay = Golem
124.Mechanism + Light = Camera
125.Poison + Air = Gas
126.Oil + Mechanism = Car
127.Earth + Car = 4WD
128.Car + 4WD = Truck

129.Darkness + Sex = Censored
130.Air + Iron = Rust
131.Sky + Egg = Bird
132.Beast + House = Domestic

133.Sin + Work = Sleep
134.Human + Sleep =

135.Human + Work = Insomniac
136.Fire + Human = Pyromaniac
137.Energy + Sun = Supernova
138.Void + Supernova = Black

139.Balck Hole + Black Hole =

140.Human + Light = Friendship
141.Knowledge + Paper = Book
142.Human + Bird = Feather
143.Human + Fabric = Clothes
144.Magic + Human = Wizard

145.Electricity + Void = Radio

146.Tools + Radio Wave = Music
147.TV + Radio Waves =

148.Mechanism + Radio Wave =

149.Radio Wave + Computer =

150.Radio Wave + Radio Wave =

151.Metal + Radiation =

152.Bomb + Plutonium = Nuclear

153.Wood + Music = Guitar
154.Metal + Music = Drum
155.Electricity + Guitar = Electric

156.Electricity + Radio Wave =

157.Book + Laser = CD
158.TV + CD = DVD
159.Money + DVD = Blu-Ray
160.Sex + Internet = Virus

Avatar niewidoczny

7 lipca 2015, 11:01

co mooh

Avatar kapecee

2 lipca 2015, 09:58

jak plague

Avatar kapecee

28 czerwca 2015, 13:51

jak zrobić ufo?

Avatar nikodemonek44440

27 czerwca 2015, 19:16

komentarz obrazkowy

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Avatar Kemeczek

Kemeczek (Jakub) odpowiada na komentarz19 kwietnia, 16:22

@OwieczkaDawid: nie ma zaco

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Avatar nikodemonek44440

nikodemonek44440 (Nikodem) odpowiada na komentarzdzisiaj, 19:11

@thepolishguy: illuminati confident

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Avatar Mistick

Mistick (Milena)25 czerwca, 19:45

1. Earth
2. Air
3. Fire
4. Water
5. Earth + Earth = Mountain
6. Earth + Air = Dust
7. Earth + Fire = Lava
8. Water + Earth = Swamp
9. Air + Air = Wind
10. Air + Fire = Smoke
11. Air + Water = Cloud
12. Fire + Fire = Inferno
13. Fire + Water = Steam
14. Water + Water = Sea
15. Sea + Sea = Ocean
16. Sea + Mountain = Cave

17. Water + Lava = Stone
18. Stone + Fire = Metal
19. Sea + Fire = Sand
20. Ocean + Fire = Salt
21. Swamp + Earth = Clay
22. Air + Cloud = Sky
23. Sea + Sand = Beach
24. Cloud + Water = Rain
25. Water + Mountain = River
26. River + Water = Lake
27. Fire + Dust = Sulfur
28. Sand + Sand = Desert
29. Dust + Smoke = Ash
30. Fire + Wind = Energy
31. Fire + Energy = Plasma
32. Fire + Plasma = Blue Flame

33. Energy + Wind = Storm
34. Metal + Energy = Gold
35. Energy + Storm = Tornado
36. River + Rain = Flood
37. Sea + Energy = Wave
38. Wave + Ocean = Tsunami
39. Storm + Plasma = Electricity
40. Electricity + Storm = Lightning
41. Swamp + Energy = Life
42. Energy + Energy = Magic
43. Life + Swamp = Bacteria
44. Earth + Bacteria = Worm
45. Sea + Bacteria = Plankton
46. Plankton + Stone = Nautilius
47. Nautilius + Stone = Trilbolite
48. Nautilius + Earth = Snail

49. Worm + Sea = Lamprey
50. Life + Earth = Lizard
51. Sand + Fire = Glass
52. Lizard + Lizard = Egg
53. Metal + Lava = Iron
54. Stone + Sea = Shell
55. Water + Glass = Ice
56. Ice + Rain = Snow
57. Snow + Flood = Blizzard
58. Egg + Lamprey = Fish
59. Lava + Mountain = Volcano
60. Egg + Lizard = Snake
61. Swamp + Bacteria = Weeds
62. Cave + Weeds = Moss
63. Moss + Water = Algae
64. Moss + Earth = Grass

65. Weeds + Sea = Seaweed
66. Grass + Energy = Tree
67. Tree + Tree = Forest
68. Forest + Forest = Jungle
69. Tree + Energy = Flower
70. Forest + Desert = Bushland
71. Tree + Flower = Fruit
72. Lizard + Earth = Beast
73. Beast + Tree = Monkey
74. Monkey + Energy = Knowledge
75. Knowledge + Sky = Void
76. Monkey + Knowledge =

77. Human + Beast = Anthoro
78. Human + Metal = Tools
79. Tools + Metal = Weapons
80. Sunflur + Weapons = Gun lol

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Avatar nikodemonek44440

27 czerwca 2015, 19:17

@nikodemonek44440: 100.Paper + ink = art

Avatar thepolishguy

16 stycznia 2015, 18:40

illumitani confident

Pokaż wcześniejsze odpowiedzi (4)
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Avatar Kemeczek

19 kwietnia 2015, 16:22

@OwieczkaDawid: nie ma zaco

Avatar nikodemonek44440

27 czerwca 2015, 19:11

@thepolishguy: illuminati confident

Avatar Mistick

25 czerwca 2015, 19:45

1. Earth
2. Air
3. Fire
4. Water
5. Earth + Earth = Mountain
6. Earth + Air = Dust
7. Earth + Fire = Lava
8. Water + Earth = Swamp
9. Air + Air = Wind
10. Air + Fire = Smoke
11. Air + Water = Cloud
12. Fire + Fire = Inferno
13. Fire + Water = Steam
14. Water + Water = Sea
15. Sea + Sea = Ocean
16. Sea + Mountain = Cave

17. Water + Lava = Stone
18. Stone + Fire = Metal
19. Sea + Fire = Sand
20. Ocean + Fire = Salt
21. Swamp + Earth = Clay
22. Air + Cloud = Sky
23. Sea + Sand = Beach
24. Cloud + Water = Rain
25. Water + Mountain = River
26. River + Water = Lake
27. Fire + Dust = Sulfur
28. Sand + Sand = Desert
29. Dust + Smoke = Ash
30. Fire + Wind = Energy
31. Fire + Energy = Plasma
32. Fire + Plasma = Blue Flame

33. Energy + Wind = Storm
34. Metal + Energy = Gold
35. Energy + Storm = Tornado
36. River + Rain = Flood
37. Sea + Energy = Wave
38. Wave + Ocean = Tsunami
39. Storm + Plasma = Electricity
40. Electricity + Storm = Lightning
41. Swamp + Energy = Life
42. Energy + Energy = Magic
43. Life + Swamp = Bacteria
44. Earth + Bacteria = Worm
45. Sea + Bacteria = Plankton
46. Plankton + Stone = Nautilius
47. Nautilius + Stone = Trilbolite
48. Nautilius + Earth = Snail

49. Worm + Sea = Lamprey
50. Life + Earth = Lizard
51. Sand + Fire = Glass
52. Lizard + Lizard = Egg
53. Metal + Lava = Iron
54. Stone + Sea = Shell
55. Water + Glass = Ice
56. Ice + Rain = Snow
57. Snow + Flood = Blizzard
58. Egg + Lamprey = Fish
59. Lava + Mountain = Volcano
60. Egg + Lizard = Snake
61. Swamp + Bacteria = Weeds
62. Cave + Weeds = Moss
63. Moss + Water = Algae
64. Moss + Earth = Grass

65. Weeds + Sea = Seaweed
66. Grass + Energy = Tree
67. Tree + Tree = Forest
68. Forest + Forest = Jungle
69. Tree + Energy = Flower
70. Forest + Desert = Bushland
71. Tree + Flower = Fruit
72. Lizard + Earth = Beast
73. Beast + Tree = Monkey
74. Monkey + Energy = Knowledge
75. Knowledge + Sky = Void
76. Monkey + Knowledge =

77. Human + Beast = Anthoro
78. Human + Metal = Tools
79. Tools + Metal = Weapons
80. Sunflur + Weapons = Gun lol

Avatar E4R7H

30 listopada 2014, 17:35

81. Tree + Tools = Wood
82. Wood + Tools = Paper
83. Beast + Tools = Wool
84. Beast + Weapons = Food
85. Wool + Tools = Fabric
86. Glass + Lava = Obsydian
87. Fish + Weapons = Piranha
88. Piranha + Weapons = Shark
89. Fish + Lizard = Amphiblan
90. Amphiblan + Stone = Turtle
91. Knowledge + Human = Sin
92. Knowledge + Sin = Law
93. Human + Food = Faeces
94. Paper + Smoke = Cigarette
95. Cigarette + Cigarette = Cigar
96. Weapons + Snake = Poison

97. Earth + Tools = Coal
98. Coal + Water = Oil
99. Oil + Water = Ink
100. Human + Wood = Hut
101. Human + Clay = Bricks
102. Bricks + Hut = House
103. House + Glass = Skyscraper
104.Paper + ink = art
105.Paper + Gold = Money
106.Money + Human = Work
107.House + Money = Bank
108.Fire + Oil = Bomb
109 .Metal + Work = Mechanism
110.Human + Law = Lawyer
111.Art + Lawyer = Copyright
112.Art + Mechanism = TV

113.Plasma + Void = Sun
114.Earth + Void = Planet
115.Sun + Planet = Light
116.Rain + Light = Rainbow
117.Fire + Bushlands = Bushfire
118.Void + Void = Darkness
119.Human + Cigarette = Diseases
120.Human + Human = Sex
121.Human + Weapon = Corpse
122.Life + Corpse = Zombie
123.Life + Clay = Golem
124.Mechanism + Light = Camera
125.Poison + Air = Gas
126.Oil + Mechanism = Car
127.Earth + Car = 4WD
128.Car + 4WD = Truck

129.Darkness + Sex = Censored
130.Air + Iron = Rust
131.Sky + Egg = Bird
132.Beast + House = Domestic

133.Sin + Work = Sleep
134.Human + Sleep =

135.Human + Work = Insomniac
136.Fire + Human = Pyromaniac
137.Energy + Sun = Supernova
138.Void + Supernova = Black

139.Balck Hole + Black Hole =

140.Human + Light = Friendship
141.Knowledge + Paper = Book
142.Human + Bird = Feather
143.Human + Fabric = Clothes
144.Magic + Human = Wizard

145.Electricity + Void = Radio

146.Tools + Radio Wave = Music
147.TV + Radio Waves =

148.Mechanism + Radio Wave =

149.Radio Wave + Computer =

150.Radio Wave + Radio Wave =

151.Metal + Radiation =

152.Bomb + Plutonium = Nuclear

153.Wood + Music = Guitar
154.Metal + Music = Drum
155.Electricity + Guitar = Electric

156.Electricity + Radio Wave =

157.Book + Laser = CD
158.TV + CD = DVD
159.Money + DVD = Blu-Ray
160.Sex + Internet = Virus

Konto usunięte

22 marca 2015, 18:30

@E4R7H: dzięki

Avatar Luna_MLP

28 maja 2015, 15:04

@E4R7H: Dzięki

Avatar MarekSCI

29 maja 2015, 14:16

@E4R7H: Dzięki

Avatar E4R7H

30 listopada 2014, 17:36

1. Earth
2. Air
3. Fire
4. Water
5. Earth + Earth = Mountain
6. Earth + Air = Dust
7. Earth + Fire = Lava
8. Water + Earth = Swamp
9. Air + Air = Wind
10. Air + Fire = Smoke
11. Air + Water = Cloud
12. Fire + Fire = Inferno
13. Fire + Water = Steam
14. Water + Water = Sea
15. Sea + Sea = Ocean
16. Sea + Mountain = Cave

17. Water + Lava = Stone
18. Stone + Fire = Metal
19. Sea + Fire = Sand
20. Ocean + Fire = Salt
21. Swamp + Earth = Clay
22. Air + Cloud = Sky
23. Sea + Sand = Beach
24. Cloud + Water = Rain
25. Water + Mountain = River
26. River + Water = Lake
27. Fire + Dust = Sulfur
28. Sand + Sand = Desert
29. Dust + Smoke = Ash
30. Fire + Wind = Energy
31. Fire + Energy = Plasma
32. Fire + Plasma = Blue Flame

33. Energy + Wind = Storm
34. Metal + Energy = Gold
35. Energy + Storm = Tornado
36. River + Rain = Flood
37. Sea + Energy = Wave
38. Wave + Ocean = Tsunami
39. Storm + Plasma = Electricity
40. Electricity + Storm = Lightning
41. Swamp + Energy = Life
42. Energy + Energy = Magic
43. Life + Swamp = Bacteria
44. Earth + Bacteria = Worm
45. Sea + Bacteria = Plankton
46. Plankton + Stone = Nautilius
47. Nautilius + Stone = Trilbolite
48. Nautilius + Earth = Snail

49. Worm + Sea = Lamprey
50. Life + Earth = Lizard
51. Sand + Fire = Glass
52. Lizard + Lizard = Egg
53. Metal + Lava = Iron
54. Stone + Sea = Shell
55. Water + Glass = Ice
56. Ice + Rain = Snow
57. Snow + Flood = Blizzard
58. Egg + Lamprey = Fish
59. Lava + Mountain = Volcano
60. Egg + Lizard = Snake
61. Swamp + Bacteria = Weeds
62. Cave + Weeds = Moss
63. Moss + Water = Algae
64. Moss + Earth = Grass

65. Weeds + Sea = Seaweed
66. Grass + Energy = Tree
67. Tree + Tree = Forest
68. Forest + Forest = Jungle
69. Tree + Energy = Flower
70. Forest + Desert = Bushland
71. Tree + Flower = Fruit
72. Lizard + Earth = Beast
73. Beast + Tree = Monkey
74. Monkey + Energy = Knowledge
75. Knowledge + Sky = Void
76. Monkey + Knowledge =

77. Human + Beast = Anthoro
78. Human + Metal = Tools
79. Tools + Metal = Weapons
80. Sunflur + Weapons = Gun


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19 kwietnia 2015, 17:27

@E4R7H: Dzięki

Avatar Luna_MLP

28 maja 2015, 14:41

@E4R7H: Dzięki!!!

Avatar tank5

6 lutego 2013, 11:04

jak zrobic czołg

Avatar ozi12

26 maja 2015, 22:31

@tank5: internet + gry = czołg

Avatar Gabi08

22 marca 2015, 11:39

ajak to zrobiłeś

Avatar dominikosxd

18 marca 2015, 19:55

no :)

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11 lutego 2015, 16:25

niechce mi sie ładować

Avatar NikiforAdamczyk

12 października 2014, 17:57

mam to na telefonie

Avatar Krystian777

29 sierpnia 2014, 12:35

1. Earth + Earth = Mountain
2. Earth + Air = Dust
3. Earth + Fire = Lava
4. Water + Earth = Swamp
5. Air + Air = Wind
6. Air + Fire = Smoke
7. Air + Water = Cloud
8. Fire + Fire = Inferno
9. Fire + Water = Steam
10. Water + Water = Sea
11. Sea + Sea = Ocean
12. Sea + Mountain = Cave
13. Water + Lava = Stone
14. Stone + Fire = Metal
15. Sea + Fire = Sand
16. Ocean + Fire = Salt
17. Swamp + Earth = Clay
18. Air + Cloud = Sky
19. Sea + Sand = Beach
20. Cloud + Water = Rain
21. Water + Mountain = River
22. River + Water = Lake
23. Fire + Dust = Sulfur
24. Sand + Sand = Desert
25. Dust + Smoke = Ash
26. Fire + Wind = Energy
27. Fire + Energy = Plasma
28. Fire + Plasma = Blue Flame
29. Energy + Wind = Storm
30. Metal + Energy = Gold
31. Energy + Storm = Tornado
32. River + Rain = Flood
33. Sea + Energy = Wave
34. Wave + Ocean = Tsunami
35. Storm + Plasma = Electricity
36. Electricity + Storm = Lightning
37. Swamp + Energy = Life
38. Energy + Energy = Magic
39. Life + Swamp = Bacteria
40. Earth + Bacteria = Worm
41. Sea + Bacteria = Plankton
42. Plankton + Stone = Nautilius
43. Nautilius + Stone = Trilbolite
44. Nautilius + Earth = Snail
45. Worm + Sea = Lamprey
46. Life + Earth = Lizard
47. Sand + Fire = Glass
48. Lizard + Lizard = Egg
49. Metal + Lava = Iron
50. Stone + Sea = Shell
51. Water + Glass = Ice
52. Ice + Rain = Snow
53. Snow + Flood = Blizzard
54. Egg + Lamprey = Fish
55. Lava + Mountain = Volcano
56. Egg + Lizard = Snake
57. Swamp + Bacteria = Weeds
58. Cave + Weeds = Moss
59. Moss + Water = Algae
60. Moss + Earth = Grass
61. Weeds + Sea = Seaweed
62. Grass + Energy = Tree
63. Tree + Tree = Forest
64. Forest + Forest = Jungle
65. Tree + Energy = Flower
66. Forest + Desert = Bushland
67. Tree + Flower = Fruit
68. Lizard + Earth = Beast
69. Beast + Tree = Monkey
70. Monkey + Energy = Knowledge
71. Knowledge + Sky = Void
72. Monkey + Knowledge = Human
73. Human + Beast = Anthoro
74. Human + Metal = Tools
75. Tools + Metal = Weapons
76. Sunflur + Weapons = Gun Powder
77. Tree + Tools = Wood
78. Wood + Tools = Paper
79. Beast + Tools = Wool
80. Beast + Weapons = Food
81. Wool + Tools = Fabric
82. Glass + Lava = Obsydian
83. Fish + Weapons = Piranha
84. Piranha + Weapons = Shark
85. Fish + Lizard = Amphiblan
86. Amphiblan + Stone = Turtle
87. Knowledge + Human = Sin
88. Knowledge + Sin = Law
89. Human + Food = Faeces
90. Paper + Smoke = Cigarette
91. Cigarette + Cigarette = Cigar
92. Weapons + Snake = Poison
93. Earth + Tools = Coal
94. Coal + Water = Oil
95. Oil + Water = Ink
96. Human + Wood = Hut
97. Human + Clay = Bricks
98. Bricks + Hut = House
99. House + Glass = Skyscraper
100.Paper + ink = art

Avatar Krystian777

30 sierpnia 2014, 16:53

@Krystian777: Gold + Paper = Money
Human + Money = Work
House + Money = Bank
Fire + Oil = Bomb
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Human + Law = Lawyer
Art + Lawyer = Copyright
Art + Mechanism = TV
Plasma + Void = Sun
Earth + Void = Planet
Sun + Planet = Light
Rain + Light = Rainbow
Fire + Bushlands = Bushfire
Void + Void = Darkness
Human + Cigarette = Diseases
Human + Human = Sex
Human + Weapon = Corpse
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Life + Clay = Golem
Mechanism + Light = Camera
Poison + Air = Gas
Oil + Mechanism = Car
Earth + Car = 4WD
Car + 4WD = Truck
Darkness + Sex = Censored
Air + Iron = Rust
Sky + Egg = Bird
Beast + House = Domestic Animal
Sin + Work = Sleep
Human + Sleep = Hypersomniac
Human + Work = Insomniac
Fire + Human = Pyromaniac
Energy + Sun = Supernova
Void + Supernova = Black Hole
Balck Hole + Black Hole = Wormhole
Human + Light = Friendship
Knowledge + Paper = Book
Human + Bird = Feather
Human + Fabric = Clothes
Magic + Human = Wizard
Electricity + Void = Radio Wave
Tools + Radio Wave = Music
TV + Radio Waves = Computer
Mechanism + Radio Wave = Phone
Radio Wave + Computer = Internet
Radio Wave + Radio Wave = Radiation
Metal + Radiation = Plutonium
Bomb + Plutonium = Nuclear Bomb
Wood + Music = Guitar
Metal + Music = Drum
Electricity + Guitar = Electric Guitar
Electricity + Radio Wave = Laser
Book + Laser = CD
Money + DVD = Blu-Ray
Sex + Internet = Virus

Avatar MCE12

18 lipca 2014, 20:42

jak się robi FPS ?

Konto usunięte

30 czerwca 2014, 11:52

Po co dawać podpowiezi?Niech każdy pomiśli pokombinuje i na 100% mu się uda

Avatar kupciu

25 maja 2014, 16:14

1 . Ziemia + Ziemia = Góry
2 . Ziemia + Powietrze = pył
3 . Ziemia + ogień = lawa
4 . Woda + Ziemia = Swamp
5 . Air + Powietrze = Wiatr
6 . Powietrze + ogień = Dym
7 . Powietrze + woda = Chmura
8 . Ogień + ogień = Inferno
9 . Ogień + Woda = parowa
10 . Woda + Woda = Morze
11 . Morze + Sea = Morze
12 . Morze + Góry = Cave
13 . Woda + lawa = Kamień
14 . Kamień + Ogień = Metal
15 . Morze + Ogień = Piasek
16 . + Ogień = ocean Sól
17 . Bagno + Ziemia = ceglana
18 . Air + Chmura = Niebo
19 . Morze + Sand = Plaża
20 . + Woda = chmura deszczu
21 . Woda + Góry = Rzeka
22 . Rzeka + Woda = Lake
23 . Ogień + Pył = Siarka
24 . + Sand = piasek pustyni
25 . Dym = kurz + Jesion
26 . Ogień + Energia wiatru =
27 . Ogień + Energia = plazmowe
28 . Ogień + Plazmowe = Blue Flame
29 . Energia + Wiatr = Burza
30 . Metal + Energia = Złoto
31 . Energia + Burza = Tornado
32 . Rzeka + deszcz = Flood
33 . Morze + Energia = Wave
34 . Fala tsunami + Ocean =
35 . Storm + Plazmowe = Energia elektryczna
36 . Prąd + Burza = Błyskawica
37 . Bagno + Energia = Życie
38 . Energia = energia + Magia
39 . LIFE + Swamp = Bakterie
40 . Bakterie = ziemia + Robak
41 . Morze + Bakteria = Plankton
42 . Plankton + Kamień = Nautilius
43 . Nautilius + Kamień = Trilbolite
44 . Nautilius + Ziemia = Ślimak
45 . Robak + morze = Lamprey
46 . Życie + Ziemia = Lizard
47 . Piasek + Ogień = Szkło
48 . Lizard Lizard = Jajko +
49 . Metal + Lawa = Żelazo
50 . Kamień + Sea = Shell
51 . Woda + Szkło = lodzie
52 . Ice + deszcz = Śnieg
53 . Śnieg + Flood = Blizzard
54 . Jajko + Lamprey = Ryby
55 . Lawa + Góry = Wulkan
56 . Jajko + Lizard = Wąż
57 . Swamp + Bakteria = Chwasty
58 . Jaskinia + Chwasty = Moss
59 . Mech + Woda = Algi
60 . Mech + Ziemia = Trawa
61 . Chwasty + morze = Wodorosty
62 . Energia = trawa + Drzewo
63 . Drzewo Drzewo = Las +
64 . Las + las = Jungle
65 . Drzewo + Energia = Kwiat
66 . Las + Desert = Bushland
67 . Drzewo + Kwiat = Owoc
68 . Jaszczurka + ziemia = bestia
69 . Bestia + Drzewo = Monkey
70 . Małpa + Energia = Wiedza
71 . Wiedza + Niebo = brak
72 . Małpa + Wiedza = Ludzki
73 . Human + Bestia = Anthoro
74 . Metal = ludzki + Narzędzia
75 . Narzędzia + Metal = Broni
76 . Sunflur + broń = Gun Powder
77 . Drzewo, drewno + Narzędzia =
78 . Narzędzia = drewno + Papier
79 . Beast + Narzędzia = Wełna
80 . Beast + Broni = Jedzenie
81 . Wełna + Narzędzia = Tkanina
82 . Szkło + Lawa = Obsydian
83 . Ryby + broń = Piranha
84 . Piranha + broń = Shark
85 . Ryba + Lizard = Amphiblan
86 . Amphiblan + Kamień = Turtle
87 . Ludzka wiedza + = sin
88 . Grzech = wiedza + Prawo
89 . Human + Jedzenie = Kał
90 . Papier + Cigarette Smoke =
91 . Papieros + papieros = Cigar
92 . Broni + Wąż = Poison
93 . Narzędzia = ziemia + Węgla
94 . Węgiel Olej + woda =
95 . Olej + woda = Ink
96 . Human + Drewno = Hut
97 . Human + ceglana = Cegły
98 . Cegły + Hut = Dom
99 . Dom + Szkło = Wieżowiec
100.Paper + tusz = sztuka

Avatar songominik

Edytowano - 13 maja 2014, 11:49

knowledge + internet = fig hunter

Avatar MgJohn

1 maja 2014, 15:42


Avatar tymonlego

Edytowano - 3 maja 2014, 11:15


Avatar MgJohn

3 maja 2014, 11:50

@tymonlego: BO CO ?!!!!

Avatar songominik

13 maja 2014, 11:15

@tymonlego: jak zrobić FPS????????????????

Konto usunięte

28 czerwca 2014, 21:48

@MgJohn: Panowie, umiecie wyłączyć caps locka?

Avatar MgJohn

4 maja 2014, 17:20

na miniaturce jest znak iluminatów

Avatar Waldemort

Edytowano - 16 kwietnia 2014, 16:55

50. Stone + Sea = Shell
51. Water + Glass = Ice
52. Ice + Rain = Snow
53. Snow + Flood = Blizzard
54. Egg + Lamprey = Fish
55. Lava + Mountain = Volcano
56. Egg + Lizard = Snake
57. Swamp + Bacteria = Weeds
58. Cave + Weeds = Moss
59. Moss + Water = Algae
60. Moss + Earth = Grass
61. Weeds + Sea = Seaweed
62. Grass + Energy = Tree
63. Tree + Tree = Forest
64. Forest + Forest = Jungle
65. Tree + Energy = Flower
66. Forest + Desert = Bushland
67. Tree + Flower = Fruit
68. Lizard + Earth = Beast
69. Beast + Tree = Monkey
70. Monkey + Energy = Knowledge
71. Knowledge + Sky = Void
72. Monkey + Knowledge = Human
73. Human + Beast = Anthoro
74. Human + Metal = Tools
75. Tools + Metal = Weapons
76. Sunflur + Weapons = Gun Powder
77. Tree + Tools = Wood
78. Wood + Tools = Paper
79. Beast + Tools = Wool
80. Beast + Weapons = Food
81. Wool + Tools = Fabric
82. Glass + Lava = Obsydian
83. Fish + Weapons = Piranha
84. Piranha + Weapons = Shark
85. Fish + Lizard = Amphiblan
86. Amphiblan + Stone = Turtle
87. Knowledge + Human = Sin
88. Knowledge + Sin = Law
89. Human + Food = Faeces
90. Paper + Smoke = Cigarette
91. Cigarette + Cigarette = Cigar
92. Weapons + Snake = Poison
93. Earth + Tools = Coal
94. Coal + Water = Oil
95. Oil + Water = Ink
96. Human + Wood = Hut
97. Human + Clay = Bricks
98. Bricks + Hut = House
99. House + Glass = Skyscraper
100.Paper + ink = art

Avatar promant12

13 kwietnia 2014, 13:20

mega 5/5

Avatar Adamjakub654

9 kwietnia 2014, 17:15


Avatar jajonatwardo

27 sierpnia 2011, 22:22

Jestem otwarta na pytania dotyczące gry ;P

Avatar filipb123

2 stycznia 2014, 12:01

@jajonatwardo: murder

Avatar MarcoMario

27 grudnia 2013, 14:28

1 . Ziemia + Ziemia = Góry
2 . Ziemia + Powietrze = pył
3 . Ziemia + ogień = lawa
4 . Woda + Ziemia = Swamp
5 . Air + Powietrze = Wiatr
6 . Powietrze + ogień = Dym
7 . Powietrze + woda = Chmura
8 . Ogień + ogień = Inferno
9 . Ogień + Woda = parowa
10 . Woda + Woda = Morze
11 . Morze + Sea = Morze
12 . Morze + Góry = Cave
13 . Woda + lawa = Kamień
14 . Kamień + Ogień = Metal
15 . Morze + Ogień = Piasek
16 . + Ogień = ocean Sól
17 . Bagno + Ziemia = ceglana
18 . Air + Chmura = Niebo
19 . Morze + Sand = Plaża
20 . + Woda = chmura deszczu
21 . Woda + Góry = Rzeka
22 . Rzeka + Woda = Lake
23 . Ogień + Pył = Siarka
24 . + Sand = piasek pustyni
25 . Dym = kurz + Jesion
26 . Ogień + Energia wiatru =
27 . Ogień + Energia = plazmowe
28 . Ogień + Plazmowe = Blue Flame
29 . Energia + Wiatr = Burza
30 . Metal + Energia = Złoto
31 . Energia + Burza = Tornado
32 . Rzeka + deszcz = Flood
33 . Morze + Energia = Wave
34 . Fala tsunami + Ocean =
35 . Storm + Plazmowe = Energia elektryczna
36 . Prąd + Burza = Błyskawica
37 . Bagno + Energia = Życie
38 . Energia = energia + Magia
39 . LIFE + Swamp = Bakterie
40 . Bakterie = ziemia + Robak
41 . Morze + Bakteria = Plankton
42 . Plankton + Kamień = Nautilius
43 . Nautilius + Kamień = Trilbolite
44 . Nautilius + Ziemia = Ślimak
45 . Robak + morze = Lamprey
46 . Życie + Ziemia = Lizard
47 . Piasek + Ogień = Szkło
48 . Lizard Lizard = Jajko +
49 . Metal + Lawa = Żelazo
50 . Kamień + Sea = Shell
51 . Woda + Szkło = lodzie
52 . Ice + deszcz = Śnieg
53 . Śnieg + Flood = Blizzard
54 . Jajko + Lamprey = Ryby
55 . Lawa + Góry = Wulkan
56 . Jajko + Lizard = Wąż
57 . Swamp + Bakteria = Chwasty
58 . Jaskinia + Chwasty = Moss
59 . Mech + Woda = Algi
60 . Mech + Ziemia = Trawa
61 . Chwasty + morze = Wodorosty
62 . Energia = trawa + Drzewo
63 . Drzewo Drzewo = Las +
64 . Las + las = Jungle
65 . Drzewo + Energia = Kwiat
66 . Las + Desert = Bushland
67 . Drzewo + Kwiat = Owoc
68 . Jaszczurka + ziemia = bestia
69 . Bestia + Drzewo = Monkey
70 . Małpa + Energia = Wiedza
71 . Wiedza + Niebo = brak
72 . Małpa + Wiedza = Ludzki
73 . Human + Bestia = Anthoro
74 . Metal = ludzki + Narzędzia
75 . Narzędzia + Metal = Broni
76 . Sunflur + broń = Gun Powder
77 . Drzewo, drewno + Narzędzia =
78 . Narzędzia = drewno + Papier
79 . Beast + Narzędzia = Wełna
80 . Beast + Broni = Jedzenie
81 . Wełna + Narzędzia = Tkanina
82 . Szkło + Lawa = Obsydian
83 . Ryby + broń = Piranha
84 . Piranha + broń = Shark
85 . Ryba + Lizard = Amphiblan
86 . Amphiblan + Kamień = Turtle
87 . Ludzka wiedza + = sin
88 . Grzech = wiedza + Prawo
89 . Human + Jedzenie = Kał
90 . Papier + Cigarette Smoke =
91 . Papieros + papieros = Cigar
92 . Broni + Wąż = Poison
93 . Narzędzia = ziemia + Węgla
94 . Węgiel Olej + woda =
95 . Olej + woda = Ink
96 . Human + Drewno = Hut
97 . Human + ceglana = Cegły
98 . Cegły + Hut = Dom
99 . Dom + Szkło = Wieżowiec
100.Paper + tusz = sztuka

Avatar sotwinek1

20 grudnia 2013, 13:12

super 5/5 i do ulu

Avatar zuza2104

25 października 2013, 14:42

1. Earth + Earth = Mountain
2. Earth + Air = Dust
3. Earth + Fire = Lava
4. Water + Earth = Swamp
5. Air + Air = Wind
6. Air + Fire = Smoke
7. Air + Water = Cloud
8. Fire + Fire = Inferno
9. Fire + Water = Steam
10. Water + Water = Sea
11. Sea + Sea = Ocean
12. Sea + Mountain = Cave
13. Water + Lava = Stone
14. Stone + Fire = Metal
15. Sea + Fire = Sand
16. Ocean + Fire = Salt
17. Swamp + Earth = Clay
18. Air + Cloud = Sky
19. Sea + Sand = Beach
20. Cloud + Water = Rain
21. Water + Mountain = River
22. River + Water = Lake
23. Fire + Dust = Sulfur
24. Sand + Sand = Desert
25. Dust + Smoke = Ash
26. Fire + Wind = Energy
27. Fire + Energy = Plasma
28. Fire + Plasma = Blue Flame
29. Energy + Wind = Storm
30. Metal + Energy = Gold
31. Energy + Storm = Tornado
32. River + Rain = Flood
33. Sea + Energy = Wave
34. Wave + Ocean = Tsunami
35. Storm + Plasma = Electricity
36. Electricity + Storm = Lightning
37. Swamp + Energy = Life
38. Energy + Energy = Magic
39. Life + Swamp = Bacteria
40. Earth + Bacteria = Worm
41. Sea + Bacteria = Plankton
42. Plankton + Stone = Nautilius
43. Nautilius + Stone = Trilbolite
44. Nautilius + Earth = Snail
45. Worm + Sea = Lamprey
46. Life + Earth = Lizard
47. Sand + Fire = Glass
48. Lizard + Lizard = Egg
49. Metal + Lava = Iron
50. Stone + Sea = Shell
51. Water + Glass = Ice
52. Ice + Rain = Snow
53. Snow + Flood = Blizzard
54. Egg + Lamprey = Fish
55. Lava + Mountain = Volcano
56. Egg + Lizard = Snake
57. Swamp + Bacteria = Weeds
58. Cave + Weeds = Moss
59. Moss + Water = Algae
60. Moss + Earth = Grass
61. Weeds + Sea = Seaweed
62. Grass + Energy = Tree
63. Tree + Tree = Forest
64. Forest + Forest = Jungle
65. Tree + Energy = Flower
66. Forest + Desert = Bushland
67. Tree + Flower = Fruit
68. Lizard + Earth = Beast
69. Beast + Tree = Monkey
70. Monkey + Energy = Knowledge
71. Knowledge + Sky = Void
72. Monkey + Knowledge = Human
73. Human + Beast = Anthoro
74. Human + Metal = Tools
75. Tools + Metal = Weapons
76. Sunflur + Weapons = Gun Powder
77. Tree + Tools = Wood
78. Wood + Tools = Paper
79. Beast + Tools = Wool
80. Beast + Weapons = Food
81. Wool + Tools = Fabric
82. Glass + Lava = Obsydian
83. Fish + Weapons = Piranha
84. Piranha + Weapons = Shark
85. Fish + Lizard = Amphiblan
86. Amphiblan + Stone = Turtle
87. Knowledge + Human = Sin
88. Knowledge + Sin = Law
89. Human + Food = Faeces
90. Paper + Smoke = Cigarette
91. Cigarette + Cigarette = Cigar
92. Weapons + Snake = Poison
93. Earth + Tools = Coal
94. Coal + Water = Oil
95. Oil + Water = Ink
96. Human + Wood = Hut
97. Human + Clay = Bricks
98. Bricks + Hut = House
99. House + Glass = Skyscraper
100.Paper + ink = art

Avatar filipb123

23 lipca 2013, 18:45

jak zrobić ufo

Avatar filipb123

23 lipca 2013, 09:20

już prawie

Avatar Mafionek

21 lipca 2013, 23:17

Gold + Paper = Money
Human + Money = Work
House + Money = Bank
Fire + Oil = Bomb
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Human + Law = Lawyer
Art + Lawyer = Copyright
Art + Mechanism = TV
Plasma + Void = Sun
Earth + Void = Planet
Sun + Planet = Light
Rain + Light = Rainbow
Fire + Bushlands = Bushfire
Void + Void = Darkness
Human + Cigarette = Diseases
Human + Human = Sex
Human + Weapon = Corpse
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Life + Clay = Golem
Mechanism + Light = Camera
Poison + Air = Gas
Oil + Mechanism = Car
Earth + Car = 4WD
Car + 4WD = Truck
Darkness + Sex = Censored
Air + Iron = Rust
Sky + Egg = Bird
Beast + House = Domestic Animal
Sin + Work = Sleep
Human + Sleep = Hypersomniac
Human + Work = Insomniac
Fire + Human = Pyromaniac
Energy + Sun = Supernova
Void + Supernova = Black Hole
Balck Hole + Black Hole = Wormhole
Human + Light = Friendship
Knowledge + Paper = Book
Human + Bird = Feather
Human + Fabric = Clothes
Magic + Human = Wizard
Electricity + Void = Radio Wave
Tools + Radio Wave = Music
TV + Radio Waves = Computer
Mechanism + Radio Wave = Phone
Radio Wave + Computer = Internet
Radio Wave + Radio Wave = Radiation
Metal + Radiation = Plutonium
Bomb + Plutonium = Nuclear Bomb
Wood + Music = Guitar
Metal + Music = Drum
Electricity + Guitar = Electric Guitar
Electricity + Radio Wave = Laser
Book + Laser = CD
Money + DVD = Blu-Ray
Sex + Internet = Virus

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